All the best things happen on my couch
PreScript - Happy International Women's Day.
One of the most influential women in my life has been Carol Burnett. My mother recorded a TV special Carol did with Julie Andrews back in 1989 and I watched it so many times I had it memorized. I'd spend hours lost in my own world - just Carol, Julie, and little 11 year old me, in front of our big old wooden TV, playing, watching, rewinding, and playing again while I sang along. I could still sing this entire number for you today.
Carol Burnett taught me how powerful it can be to bring laugher and optimism into the world. To bring peoples' attention to the beautiful things. Even when it feels like it's not enough. Even when things are dark. No, especially when things are dark.
So here's to Carol *pulls ear* and her big ol' bright light.
Back in the fall, while I was away in Ottawa visiting friends, Jim decided he wanted to surprise me. In fact, he decided before I left.
We were sitting on our living room couch having coffee, and I asked if he’d be willing to move his office upstairs so I could have my studio on the main level of our apartment.
“I know you love the main floor,” I said. “It’s a big ask, so take some time to think about it.”
To say Jim really liked having his office on the main level is like saying Johnny Cash really liked the guitar.
He didn't just like it, he had a relationship with that room.
It's big and open with stained glass windows and lots of light. The window opened so you could get a breeze, the kitchen was ten paces away so you get a beer, and the bathroom was right across the door so you could get rid of your beer. Working in that room made him happy every day, and I knew it.
But I wanted to do screen printing workshops in our home and having my studio on the main level made the most sense. Like I said, it was a big ask.
He told me later he knew right away that it was the right thing to do. He didn’t have to think it over. But he let me think he was thinking it over so that while I was away… he could move it all for me.
Jim spent an entire weekend disassembling my printing table, moving my studio down to the main level of our apartment, moving his office upstairs, then reassembling my table in its new home.
He did it all, he did it himself, and he did it because he felt it was the right thing to do for our couple. For our “we”.
I was completely gobsmacked when I came home. I had fully expected him to say that moving his office upstairs was just too much to ask, and that wouldn’t have been unreasonable. He’s put up with a lot around this business of mine.
But instead he said, “I had my turn, now it’s your turn. It’s only fair.”
Then we high-fived. Solid relationship moment.
If you attended any of my screen printing workshops around that time, you’ll remember that my studio was functional but not pretty. “It’ll get sorted over the holidays,” I said. “I’ll have more time then.”
Pfft. Lies. But I’m finally getting a start on it this weekend, and I couldn’t be more excited. As soon as I’m done writing to you, I’ll have a slice of Stobie’s in one hand and a pencil and paper in the other, drawing out a plan for where everything is going to go. I’m 93% sure it’ll all fit.
I’ll be capturing my progress along the way and sharing it in my Instagram stories, assuming I make any progress.
I only have a few hours on Sat & Sun because my weeks are pretty packed with custom orders and getting ready to open my online store at the end of the month. Even if I don’t get much done, I’ll be happy just to get started.
That’s another lie, it’ll bug me. I’m not very good at leaving something half-done - once I get started, I’m like a cat on a laser pointer - but this will be a good opportunity to practice.
This morning, Jim and I were back sitting on our living room couch having coffee, talking about what we were getting up to that day, laughing at something funny Jim said.
It looks pretty ordinary, but we have some of our best moments there on that couch.
PS - Assuming I get things tidied up around here in time, screen printing workshops are starting up again in April! Now that I have my weekends free, they can be longer which will give you more time for printing once you’ve made your screens. Watch for those dates soon.